I know that I've already written about this beach, but again it is just amazing. Live reggae band on Saturday nights. Friendly people, beautiful beaches, fresh food and the most relaxing 2 days you could ever dream of....
And then snap back to reality when we sat in hour long traffic trying to get back into Accra. Which was just named the second worst city in the world by the Lonely Planet. However, Detroit was named number 1. Starting to wonder if I have an effect on these cities....
Haven't done all that much since the last post. With my remaining week here I am looking for some unique places to visit or new foods to try that I haven't yet. They have these fruit things that are about the size of a golf ball and are deep orange. They call them cherries, but I don't think that is correct. It's next on my list of foods to try. I also want to learn the names of everything so I can tell accurate stories once I return home. The rice we eat here VERY often is called Jollof, and is made with peppers and tomatoes. If made correctly, it is actually really good.
Other than some foods, I have pretty much seen everything there is to see. I've gone East, West, North... and I live in the South. I've met new people, learned a little bit of the language and lived my Ghanain experience. Whether I return to Ghana I'm not sure, but next on my list for Africa is Kenya.
Living with AIESECers is very interesting since we have all traveled the world so much. Each intern here is interested in culture and experiencing something different. Yes, we all complain occasionally, but at the core is a sense of interest in everything around us. It inspires me to keep traveling. And more importantly, now that I have friends in Taiwan, China, Germany and the Netherlands ... when I visit these places I can meet up with old friends. In the back of my mind I'm already figuring out how to get to Taiwan by the end of the year!
At school last Friday my school won the second round! They are heading to the semi-finals and I think they have a very good chance to win! The kids are very smart and so determined. When I start to think everyone here can be a bit lazy, I see these kids and all of their hopes and dreams written on their faces.
I teach tomorrow and this will be my last day of teaching. I decided that I do not want to teach next Tuesday since it will be the day before I leave for home. Not sure what to teach tomorrow, but I would like to do a game of some sort. Friday will be round 3 of the school competition and I will be a proctor somewhere.
In the mean time I would like to see some more beaches and enjoy what little time I have left...
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